
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Aplastic Anemia

Aplastic Anemia

Deficiency or injury to the stem cells
Hypocellular bone marrow
Results in pancytopenia of the peripheral blood
All cell lines affected


Moderate aplastic anemia
Marrow cellularity <30%
Absence of severe pancytopenia
Depression of at least two of three blood elements below normal.
oBone marrow cellularity <25% or marrow showing <50% normal with two of three peripheral blood count criteria:  
oANC <500
Plt <20k
Retic count <40k
Very Severe
All of above plus ANC less than 200.
Fanconi’s anemia, dyskeratosis congenita, Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome, Reticular dysgenesis, Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia, familial aplastic anemia, preleukemia (monosomy 7) and nonhematologic disease (Down, Dubowitz, Seckel)
drugs and chemicals: cytotoxic agents, benzene, idiosyncratic reaction, chloramphenicol, NSAIDS, antiepileptics, Gold
viruses: EBV, Hepatitis virus (non-A,non-B, non-C, non-G), Parvovirus (transient aplastic crisis or pure red cell aplasia), HIV
Immune diseases: eosinophilic fasciitis, hyperimmunoglobulinemia, thymoma and thymic carcinoma, GvHD in immunodeficiency

Differential Diagnosis

Pancytopenia with hypocellular bone marrow
Acquired aplastic anemia  - Inherited aplastic anemia
Hypoplastic MDS  - Hypoplastic AML
Pancytopenia with cellular bone marrow
Primary bone marrow diseases  -MDS
PNH  - Myelofibrosis
Myelophthisis  - Bone marrow lymphoma
Hairy cell leukemia  - SLE, Sjogren’s disease
Hypersplenism  - Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency
Overwhelming infection  - Alcoholism
Brucellosis  - Ehrlichiosis
Sarcoidosis  - tuberculosis
Hypocellular bone marrow with or without cytopenia
Q fever  - Legionaires disease
Mycobacteria  - Tuberculosis
Hypothyroidism  - Anorexia nervosa


   —RadiationChemicalsDrugsInfectionsImmunological  diseasesPregnancyParoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuriaConstitutional disorders

Drugs causing aplastic anemia

Cytotoxic drugs like alkylating agents, antimitotics
Low probability : chloramphenicol,insecticides,antiprotozoals,  NSAIDS, anticonvulsants,heavy metals,


Genetic predisposition found in HLA-DR2. 
-This correlates to response to immunosuppressants.
Drug Injury
Immune mediated injury
Immune-mediated T-cell destruction of marrow
Removal of lymphocytes from aplastic bone marrow improved colony number in tissue culture and addition of lymphocytes to normal marrow inhibited hematopoiesis in vitro.

Presenting Symptoms

       —Related to anemiaFatigue, Shortness of breathRelated to neutrapeniaInfectionsRelated to thrombocytopeniaBleeding (mucous membranes)


Blood macrocytic picture with thrombocytopenia and low granulocytes
Reticulocytes are reduced or few
No immature cell
Bone marrow:-
Ancillary studies: - chromosomal breakage study,flow cytometry, serological studies to exclude viral infections, MRI  spine

Bone marrow in aplastic Anemia

Marrow is profoundly hypocellular with decrease in all elements.
Residual hematopoietic cells are morphologically normal.
Malignant infiltrates and fibrosis is absent.
Hematopoiesis is non-megaloblastic.


SupportiveBlood product transfusion & antibiotics1/3 refractory to plateletsBleeding deaths uncommon

Definitive Treatment

Bone marrow transplantation
Immunosuppression no difference in long-term survival

Definitive Treatment

Immunosuppression Older patientsNo sibling donorsAntithymocyte globulin (ATG) +/- cyclosporineResponse rate = 70%
Long term survival = 65-90% 
Marrow Transplantation
Genotypically identical sibling donor marrow
Cures aplastic anemia
Death can occur as a result of complications of the procedure
Long-term survival with younger pts 65%

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